Thursday, January 19, 2012

Its About Time

It's about time for a post. I've been so busy with all things life...including horses, that I've seriously neglected my writing duties on this blog. I've spent most of my efforts this past year on my Memphis Horses Facebook page. I developed this blog based on my love for horses and my passion for promoting their value to people and communities. I'm a pusher of horse welfare, an anti-slaughter advocate, and a supporter of responsible horsemanship principles and management. In a nutshell, I have zero tolerance for:

  • Abusers of horses (mistreatment)

  • Neglect of horses (starvation/abandonment)

  • Irresponsible breeders (backyard breeders)

  • Horse Slaughter

  • Anyone selling a horse they cannot responsibly care for to auction/slaughter. Humane Euthanasia is NOT an arduous responsibility people! If you can afford to buy a horse, you CAN afford to give them a dignified end that does not involve abandonment, starvation, pain, suffering, or selling to auction/slaughter. If you choose such an option rather than to choose an ethical and painless option for your horse or horses, I have no problem calling you the Bottom-Dwelling Low-life Coward that you are! I make NO apologies for this sentiment!

  • Horse Auctions

  • Kill Buyers

  • Any person, industry, business, etc. that does not "Take Care of Their Own."

Horses give me hope. Horses give me clarity. Horses give me opportunities to learn, to teach, to become a better human being. I'm on a mission to promote these concepts to others. To inspire people to see horses as I do. As the honest, humble, strong yet gentle guides, teachers, and healers that I believe them to be. They are gifts to people. Teaching us how to "see" ourselves, others, and the world in an enlightened way regardless of our "riding" use for them. Its about time I get back to writing more about my experiences with horses.

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