Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Buck Brannaman on ABC: Lessons in Life from Horses

Photo from

I just ran across this interview abc did with Buck Brannaman. Of course, "Buck" is naturally my favorite movie of the year. Yes, it's horsey....yes, it's got a cute cowboy....yes, I have a horse named Buck(Y)....perhaps I'm a bit biased? Nah..... or should I say....NEIGH?

The movie has gotten lots of buzz, and been enjoyed by plenty of non-horsey folks too. So, there's something of interest to folks about horses and their mysterious connection and relationship with humans. Even though the "Oscar's" have snubbed this documentary film this year, people have already chosen this film as a feel-good favorite! People have voted this enlightening film the winner of the People's Choice award at Sundance Film Festival and the Audience Choice prize at the documentary community's love Cinema Eye Honors fest.

So what is it about horses that draw people in? The reasons will be different for different people, but I believe one key has to do with horses' mystical, shaman-like connection to humans. Horses have an ability to "see" deep within what we often hide from the world and ourselves. Horses live in the authentic present. People do not. Horses will expose our "masks" and reveal our truth's. They can help us to better "see" ourselves, our world, and develop an understanding of broader connections...of our interconnectedness.

Why am I so fascinated with horses? It's really quite simple. I'm obsessed with "learning" and in my own experience, there has been no greater teacher of authentic, honest, truth in life, and present moment, than a horse. It's a profound experience and bond that transcends thinking, feeling, and reaches beyond to the soul. Who needs a phD when you've got a horse? Heck, even the interviewer made this connection....

Interviewer: "I thought I'd get a lesson in how to ride. Instead, I got a lesson in life.".....I couldn't have summed it up better myself!

Enjoy this interview and be sure to get more bang for your BUCK, and check out this fascinating man and his life journey with the even more fascinating horse!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Riders Prayer


Dearest Creator in Heaven, give me strength to guide my horse.

Make my hands soft & my head clear.

Let my horse understand me & I him.

My heart you have blessed with a special love of these animals, let me never lose sight of it.

My soul you have gifted with a deep need for them, let that need never lessen.

Always let my breath catch as the sun gleams on an elegant head.

Always may my throat tighten at the sound of a gentle nicker.

Let the scent of fresh hay & a new bag of grain be sweet to me.

Let the warm touch of a warm nose on my hand always bring a smile.

I adore the joy of a warm day on the farm. The grace & splendor of a running horse, the thunder of it's hooves makes my eyes burn & my heart soar, let it always be so.

Dearest Creator grant me patience, for horses are harnessed wind & wind can be flighty.

Let me not frighten or harm them, instead show me ways to understand them.

Above all, dear Creator, fill my life with them.

When I pass from this world, send my soul to no heaven without them.

For this love you have given me graces my existence and I shall cherish it & praise You for it for all time.

~Author Unknown

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Its About Time

It's about time for a post. I've been so busy with all things life...including horses, that I've seriously neglected my writing duties on this blog. I've spent most of my efforts this past year on my Memphis Horses Facebook page. I developed this blog based on my love for horses and my passion for promoting their value to people and communities. I'm a pusher of horse welfare, an anti-slaughter advocate, and a supporter of responsible horsemanship principles and management. In a nutshell, I have zero tolerance for:

  • Abusers of horses (mistreatment)

  • Neglect of horses (starvation/abandonment)

  • Irresponsible breeders (backyard breeders)

  • Horse Slaughter

  • Anyone selling a horse they cannot responsibly care for to auction/slaughter. Humane Euthanasia is NOT an arduous responsibility people! If you can afford to buy a horse, you CAN afford to give them a dignified end that does not involve abandonment, starvation, pain, suffering, or selling to auction/slaughter. If you choose such an option rather than to choose an ethical and painless option for your horse or horses, I have no problem calling you the Bottom-Dwelling Low-life Coward that you are! I make NO apologies for this sentiment!

  • Horse Auctions

  • Kill Buyers

  • Any person, industry, business, etc. that does not "Take Care of Their Own."

Horses give me hope. Horses give me clarity. Horses give me opportunities to learn, to teach, to become a better human being. I'm on a mission to promote these concepts to others. To inspire people to see horses as I do. As the honest, humble, strong yet gentle guides, teachers, and healers that I believe them to be. They are gifts to people. Teaching us how to "see" ourselves, others, and the world in an enlightened way regardless of our "riding" use for them. Its about time I get back to writing more about my experiences with horses.