Thursday, March 04, 2010

AHP Horse Industry Survey Results Released

The American Horse Publications just released the largest electronic survey ever conducted to measure horse industry trends in the United States. Over 11,171 people involved with horses participated.

Part of the survey measured present, past, and future trends. Good news is that horse owner participants indicated they own roughly the same number of horses today as they did several years ago- which frankly surprised me in this economy! The poll indicated owners plan on owning the same amount in 2011 too.

To quote from article AHPEquine Industry Survey Results Released:

...."This survey shows some good news: Even during current times with a struggling economy, a majority of respondents expect to be able to continue participating in the equine industry at the same level that they are now; some even expect to increase their levels of participation over the next few years," Stowe said. "Moreover, many horse handlers will make sacrifices in other areas of their lives to continue their involvement in the equine industry. But even though the majority of respondents will be able to continue their equine-related activities, this does not diminish the potential hardship faced by those individuals, organizations, and regions which expect to experience decreases in participation. Respondents are also clear that the welfare of the horse is of the utmost importance as individuals and policy makers make decisions regarding the future of the equine industry."

Read more about the survey results here.

SOURCE: article AHPEquine Industry Survey Results Released:

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