Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Horse Hero, Alex Brown: Read this "Interview with a Racehorse Rescuer.”

I've decided to periodically spotlight"Horse Hero's" on my blog- or those horse professionals that are helping to improve the horse industry! Those who are compelled to give back to the commodity that has given them a livelihood! Those who recognize that they can use their status and reputation to effect positive change for horses. Those who aren't afraid to speak up, and use their voice to help join the many voices together that want to make a difference to improve this industry.

Here is an excellent example of one such impressive horse professional that is truly, “paying it forward” for horses and my new horse hero! Ever heard of Alex Brown? He’s a well-known racing professional and “academic guru” who has taught Internet Marketing courses for 10 years at University of Delaware, and worked at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He’s making a difference in welfare issues for racehorses, and he knows how to effectively use social media to help this cause!

Click here to read an interview with Alex, and for those of you social media manics, like me…..

Be sure to watch this video

to learn more about how social media is helping to connect like-minded people, and spread awareness about horse welfare issues!

Source: The Equinest

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