Thursday, December 27, 2007

Horse Blanketing Tips

Horse Blanket Fit Basics

Follow this five-step check list to make sure your horse's blanket properly fits him.

From the editors of EQUUS Magazine

When bundling up your horse this winter, take a minute to check the fit of his blanket. Patterns and cuts from different manufacturers can make supposedly same-sized blankets fit quite differently. And changes in your horse's body condition can cause a cover that fit perfectly last year to be painfully ill-suited for his present profile.

Is there room to slide your hand around the withers and shoulders?

The following five-point blanket check will make sure your horse is both warm and comfortable this winter:

1. Can you slip your hand easily between the blanket and his withers? Continual pressure in this area can produce discomfort or even lasting injury.

2. Is there room to slide a hand up into his shoulder area? Too tight a fit here will rub off hair and cause painful friction injuries.

3. Is the neck cut so your horse can graze without pain? Place a tempting treat at floor level and watch for pressure from the front buckles as he reaches for it.

4. Does the tail flap lift easily when your horse passes manure? An ill-designed or too-heavy tail cover will get in the way of falling manure and become a crusted mess.

5. Does the surcingle have to be adjusted tightly to keep the blanket in place? A blanket cut for your horse's body shape will stay in place without a tight, uncomfortable surcingle.

A "yes" to one or more of these questions means that your horse and his blanket are a poor match. Simple alterations and creative use of fleece can fix some minor fit problems but the best solution may be to replace the blanket altogether. Measure your horse before you go shopping and consult with the sellers about the right cuts and styles for his particular body shape and size. Try each purchase on your horse over a bed sheet; if you have to make a return because of poor fit, it will be clean and hair-free.

SOURCE: EQUUS Magazine and

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

National Equine Rescue Group News

With so many equine rescue groups out there, picking a reputable one can seem daunting. Luckily, there are movements underway to offer "national accreditation" for reputable horse rescue groups that will also offer rescue group's much needed financial support. Click here to read an interesting article about this horse rescue national accreditation movement!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Memphis Driving My Buggy Junior CDE Clinic at Kimberlin Farms- January 12th, 2-4pm

Carriage driving is a fabulous equine sport for people and horses of all ages, sizes, and shapes. Children, grandparents, or even entire families can enjoy this sport. In my opinion, this is one of the best multi-breed horse sports available! Having the right temperament, horses of all ages, breeds, and sizes can enjoy the exciting sport of carriage driving!

On Saturday, January 12th from 1-3 p.m. Kimberlin Farms is offering a Driving My Buggy Junior Driving CDE (Combined Driving Event) clinic. Joanna Wilburn of Rollingwoods Farm, will be teaching this clinic with many of Kimberlin Farm's "more experienced" juniors assisting as navigators. This should be lots of fun and a great opportunity for junior drivers to learn more about CDE's- combined driving events. Interested? For more information about this fantastic local driving clinic send an email to the following address:

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Holiday Greeting Cards That Help Animals!

Want to order a "Horsey" Holiday Greeting Card that will actually help horses? Consider these holiday cards from the ASPCA.

I've spotted a "potential" card for myself here. I was going to be "cheap" and create my own, but how can I resist saving myself some time and donating to a worthy cause instead!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Want to Learn about Carriage Driving in Memphis, TN?

Located near Memphis, TN and interested in learning about carriage driving? Check out the following website: farm located near Memphis, TN, hosts many carriage driving educational opportunities including:

  • Carriage Driving Clinics
  • Carriage Driving Camps
  • Carriage Driving Events: Drives & Fun-Shows.
Currently in the Memphis, TN area, there is the Nashoba Carriage Club, which organizes numerous carriage driving opportunities in the area, such as the annual Nashoba Carriage Classic.

KimberlinFarms will offer more driving events in 2008, in an effort to help promote the sport of carriage driving in the Memphis area! If you're near Memphis, and are interested in learning more about carriage driving, be sure to bookmark the "Driving My Buggy" section of the Kimberlin Farms' site to keep up with Memphis Carriage Driving educational opportunities and events!